More on Web Log Analysis

In my previous post on web log analysis, I described a Powershell wrapper script for LogParser.exe, which lets you do SQL-style queries to text logfiles.  Today I have another script which wraps that script and is used in a timer job to send the filtered logs to the client each month.

[sourcecode language=”powershell”]
#GenerateLogAnalysis will query IIS logfiles and output logs for PDF downloads from the first until
#the last day of the previous month

#function that performs the actual analysis
function RunLogAnalysis(){

$command = "c:\users\daniel.cooper\desktop\scripts\queryLogs.ps1 -inputFolder {0} -outputFile {1} -startDate {2} -endDate {3} -keyword {4}" -f $inputFolder, ($outputPath+$outputFile), (ConvertDateToW3C($startDate)), (ConvertDateToW3C($endDate)), "elibrary"
invoke-expression $command

$emailBody = "<div style=""font-family:Trebuchet MS, Arial, sans-serif;""><img src="""" border=""0"" align=""right""/><h3 style=""color:#003399;"">Log Analysis</h3>A log anaylsis has been run on the eLibrary for PDF files for "+$monthNames[$startDate.month-1]+" "+$startDate.Year+"<br/>Please find it attached."

sendEmail "" "" "eLibrary Log Analysis: $outputFile" ($outputPath+$outputFile) $emailBody

function ConvertDateToW3C($dateToBeConverted){

return "{0:D4}-{1:D2}-{2:d2}" -f $dateToBeConverted.year, $dateToBeConverted.month, $;


function sendEmail($toAddress, $fromAddress, $subject, $attachmentPath, $body){

$SMTPServer = "yourMailServer"

$mailmessage = New-Object
$mailmessage.from = ($fromAddress)
$mailmessage.Subject = $subject
$mailmessage.Body = $body

$attachment = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Attachment($attachmentPath, ‘text/plain’)

$mailmessage.IsBodyHTML = $true
$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 25)

#Current Month
$currentDate = Get-Date
$localDateFormats = new-object system.globalization.datetimeformatinfo
$monthNames = $localDateFormats.monthnames
#Generate first day of last month as a date
$startDate = $currentDate.AddMonths(-1).addDays(-$currentDate.AddMonths(-1).day+1)

#Generate last day of last month as a date
$endDate = $currentDate.AddDays(-$

#Set the initial parameters
$inputFolder = "c:\temp\www.snap"
$logName = "SNAP"
$outputFile = "LogAnalysis_"+$logName+"_"+$startDate.year+$monthNames[$startDate.month-1]+".csv"
$outputPath = "C:\Users\daniel.cooper\Desktop\"

RunLogAnalysis($inputFolder, $outputFile, $startDate, $endDate)

What’s happening here is that RunLogAnalysis() is the main controller function.  What is does is set up the command to run the queryLogs.ps1 script mentioned in the previous post, waits until it’s run and then email the result off.  We have another function, ConvertDateToW3C, which takes a date-parsable string and converts it to W3C format, which is what LogParser.exe likes.  sendEmail() is pretty straightforward, it’s a generic email-sending function.

After the functions we have a little code to set up parameters.  My task was to email the client the last month’s logs for PDF downloads on the first of each month.  To do this we get last month’s name (for the output filename) , the date on the first of last month and the date on the last day of the last month.

After parameter generation is done, we perform the log analysis and email the result.  This is created as a scheduled task on the webserver and we’re done.

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