Songkran, the Thai New Year, is traditionally a time to honour elders, visit temples and wash Buddha images. Or at least it was until recently when Songkran, which takes place at the hottest time of the year, became a region-wide waterfight.
Many hate the water wars but my strategy iso participate fully and enjoy it. Otherwise it’s just a week when the roads are deadly, everyone’s drunk and you can’t go outside without a raincoat.
On first Songkran soaking I participated in, back in 2002 or something, I took my old Minolta SLR, put it in a ziplock bag and cut away a section for the lens, using a daylight filter to make a seal. The results were excellent and I was the only one out there I saw with a camera. These days you see lots of people with waterproof cameras or housings, and tourists hiding in doorways begging you not to squirt them.
Since the UN only gives us one day off I didn’t participate this year, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to compile a collection of Songkrans past.